For me, this is the second best film I've ever watched in my life, after Pintu Terlarang. Absurd and imaginative. Every single phrase of the script is damn meaningful, like the writer gave all his deepest thoughts in one film. I can feel the script was made from a combination of prose and poetry of life philosophy, which are all nicely arranged to one unique unity. At first I planned to write down all quotes I can take from the film, but then a minute later I gave up, for I would end up with writing the whole script! All hail Paul Augusta and all the team!
And yes, for me, all the visual thingy (which, of course I'm not an expert in) are brilliant. If one day you guys have a chance to watch this film (anyway this film only ever played twice in Indonesia so far), take a detail look of the stop motion parts, it's rough but I love it. And I love the image of hurtful in purity; naked human with several bloody scars trying to reach the light -that's my fave scene.
"At The Very Bottom of Everything (Di Dasar Segalanya)" produced by KineKuma Pictures in cooperation with PT. Visi Integra Media and produced with financial support from the Hubert Bals Fund of the International Film Festival Rotterdam.
Directed by Paul Agusta, produced by Laguna WK and Paul Agusta.
Kartika Jahja whose role is being the manic depressive woman who will take us on a journey in her roller coaster, once wrote on her blog, :
"This film will take viewers on a journey through the mind of a manic depressive, or by its more current name, bipolar disorder. What it feels like, the struggles against the sickness, and a better understanding of the disease.
I must admit, I am thrilled to take this role. I am thrilled to tell the world that manic depression is not a weakness. It's an invisible virus that you cant kill. But you can fight it. You mustn't linger in self pity and drown in your own pool of fear and insecurity. There are ways.
And this film will help."