Saturday, June 19, 2010

tempat berlindung di hari tua, tempat akhir menutup mata.

Hey folks,

among those 12 outermost points of Nusantara,

I'll be in Tanjung Dato, Kalimantan Barat, for a month.

I'll be there for my duty in kuliah kerja nyata UI 2010, with only nine other fellows from UI.

we split in two groups, consist of five persons each.

super-luckily, my group is chosen for doing the most interesting core program:

menggali wisata bahari, wisata alam dan budaya! yeyy :)

we also have eight routine programs, and I’ll be in charge for “bernyanyi, mendongeng, dan bermain permainan tradisional” and “kesehatan lingkungan (termasuk pembuatan pekarangan) dan KB untuk lelaki” program. what a work!

my senior said there's no signal at all in Tanjung Dato,

Telkom, even PLN never reach them.

but I hope it won't be a big deal since I know how wonderful this journey will be.

I thank God that most of the people in Tanjung Dato are moslems,

yet I still don't know whether I should use jilbab there (like in sabang) or not.

at least they don't drink minuman keras as in other destination of KKN, like Pulau Miangas,

or have some "orang moro", people which can literally disappear, like in Pulau Morotai.

Still, like everywhere in Kalimantan, the mystical culture in Tanjung Dato is still strong,

so I should give full attention of my attitude.

wish me best luck and experience, folks ;)

one of my best buddies said he's worried about my trip,

for he heard the news about big earthquake in Biak, about 7.6 richter,

and he wants me to consider that before I leave.

yes dear friend, I’ll take care of myself.

FYI there, Malaysia takes our natural resources over and over again.

I know this is what I want,

I wanna do something real for my Indonesia.

I’m taking a baby step and this is where I start.

It’s not going to be easy, but I know it’s going to be worth it.

for I live I take risk and I learn.


  1. Wawawawaw, proud of you! Pengen ketemu dulu deh, berangkatnya kapan?

  2. inshaallah berangkat tanggal 1 Juli, tapi mungkin juga tanggal 29 karena nyesuain jadwal kapal RI. kapalnya cuma ada sebulan sekali

  3. anyway seneng deh ada yang proud of me :] hehe
